Royal Portus Felix Lodge

Freemasons have been present in Filey since 1855 in the form of Royal Lodge No. 643.

Originally, the nearest lodges to Filey were Old Globe Lodge in Scarborough, Lion Lodge in Whitby and Constitutional Lodge in Beverly.  In 1854 a number of brethren got together to petition for a Warrant of Constitution empowering them to meet at the Royal Hotel, North street Filey. The petition was granted by the Grand Master the Earl of Zetland on 7 February 1855, and on 1 June 1855, the lodge was dedicated at the Royal Hotel.

Original meeting places:

Royal Hotel, North Street, Filey               1855-1861

Foords Hotel, Queen Street, Filey            1862-1880

Crescent Hotel, Filey                                  1880-1891

Foords Hotel, North Street, Filey             1891-1910

The brethren of Royal lodge always had the ambition to possess their own lodge and as the lodge size increased, a building fund was started in 1869.   In 1896 a site was purchased on Rutland street, a former brickyard.

In September 1909 members of Royal lodge and 91 visitors in full regalia,  moved in procession from the Royal hotel to Rutland street...where the foundation stone was laid with Masonic honours before returning to the Royal hotel.

In July 1910 the temple was dedicated with great ceremony ... the first regular meeting of Royal lodge at the Masonic Hall occurred on 21 October 1910.

Due to the “congestion” occurring in Royal Lodge as it grew… in April 1948, thirty-eight years after Royal Lodge moved into the masonic hall, a new "daughter" lodge was proposed. At founder meetings throughout 1948, the name of the new lodge, the first officers, meeting dates and constitution were decided, subsequently, on 15 Sept 1948, Portus Felix lodge No 6712 was consecrated, with 265 masons present.

The name Portus Felix was chosen in preference to St Oswald, being derived from the natural harbour named as a landing place used by the Romans on Filey Brigg. Portus Felix is located on the sheltered side of the Spittals. A representation of the Spittals can be seen in the centre of the lodge banner and can also be seen on the logo.


In 2022, after much deliberation, it was decided that the Royal and Portus Felix lodges should amalgamate under one banner. On the 14th December 2022 Portus Felix handed in their warrant and all members moved over to a new lodge, Royal Portus Felix 643.

Royal Portus Felix Lodge lodge meets every third Tuesday except July and August with the Installation meeting being in February.


W. Bro G.A Raylor: A brief history of the Royal Lodge. Compiled 1955.

Updated by W.Bro G Lovett 2023